Friday 6 January 2012

How do the solar generator is work.

Solar generator is greater soruce of the electric energy. Its not complicated tecnology this is very easy and sample way of produce the electric energy.
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Wednesday 4 January 2012

Solar Generator

If solar energy is eventually going to matter that is, generate a significant portion of the nation’s electricity the industry must overcome a major stumbling block, experts say: finding a way to store it for use when the sun isn’t shining. So now we can use the solar power with the solar generator while the sun isn't shining and that also in very economical prices when you cannot imagine.

You can buy the 8 Energy savers, 1 Fan and 1 Tv operating solar genrator in just

Rs. 1,10,000

5+25 year Warranty
2 years free service

If you want to increase the load so you can buy the 15 Energy Savers,2 fans and 1 Tv operating solar genrator in just only.


5+25 year Warranty
2 years free service

We are making the solar generator in minimum load to maximum load for domestic and commercial use and we are focus for give the best quality on local and economical rates.

Contact Us.
Mian Mazhar iqbal
Township Lahore